Mobius Trifecta

Sculpture 47—“Mobius Trifecta” (1/20/2024): $600 USD

I have been intrigued by the “Möbius” concept of having a single surface of different structures combined with “twists” as the structure (triangle, ribbon, square, hexagon etc) does a circle pattern. The ribbon is the most common pattern, but I chose this piece to do a triangle—conceptually I thought the twisting I thought of doing would work—two twists in the same direction or one twist in one direction (clockwise) and one in the opposite direction (counter clockwise) both produce a mismatch with when the adjoining surfaces meet and thus a single surface is formed. I wanted to have a contrast with this piece of stone and I chose to paint a thin continuous black line in the center of the surface.

Oamaru stone and acrylic paint.

Height:16” diameter

Width: 16” diameter

Thickness: about 2-21/4”

Weight: 7pounds 6oz

To purchase this sculpture please contact the artist, Bob Basta