Sculpture #20

Sculpture #20 — Jan-Feb 2019

Continuous line painted on surface of Oamaru stone.
Acrylic paint on Oamaru stone
Wt: 10.15 Kg. Length 18″, Width 5 3/8″, Depth 4 1/2″

A languishing piece of Oamaru stone was squared and then sanded. This piece of stone was quite dense with small pitting making it excellent for painting. After finishing the surface, it was too big to be placed in multiple positions without the risk of falling over. It was then cut to 2/3 of the original length, and the other 1/3 was used for piece #21. The surfaces were sanded to a very smooth surface with 400 grit sandpaper. The pattern was then laid out and painted by blocking the line with 3-M blue paint tape. Any under seepage was removed with a sharp instrument. The line goes across each edge only once and never intersects itself. Bottom photo includes both sculpture #20 and #21. Murray and Sandra S., Gore, New Zealand