Sphere with Color Continuum

Sculpture #25 Sphere with Color Continuum— November 2019 $450 USD

Weight: 16.6 pounds, circumference: 25 7/16”

Base is 2 pounds, 10.9 oz and is 2” H x 5” L x 4 7/8” W

This sphere was fashioned in the usual sphere technique from a square block and then painted with continuous line of 21 different shapes (approx. 2.5” by 1”) that never intersects itself and all of the shapes are a different color. This continuous line concept was taken from other similar “block” sculptures but modified for a sphere. The underneath base is the signing spot for the sculpture. The base is also padded because of the potential of damage by rubbing the base and the sphere together, especially when painted. Oamaru Stone (New Zealand limestone), acrylic paint.  

To purchase this sculpture please contact the artist, Bob Basta